Jim Collins: Greatness is a matter of conscious choice, discipline and these timeless concepts

In my four CEO and key executive peer group meetings last month, I shared how moved I was by Jim Collins two-hour keynote at ChairWorld2019 in San Diego. CW19 is a Chair’s (coach, guide, facilitator) continuing education week.

Jim reminded us that:

Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline.

His talk focused on “…timeless concepts that emerged from more than 25 years of rigorous research into the question of what makes great companies tick. These concepts are used widely by leaders throughout the business and social sectors.”

View those concepts on Jim’s site.

What are you sensing about these concepts? How might these concepts help you and your team?

Any questions? Need help? Curious about the power of peers? Feel free to call or text me: (206) 890-6858

Take care,

P.S. Jim Collins is a highly regarded author, consultant and lecturer on the subject of leadership, business management and company sustainability.

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