RSVP for a Vistage Workshop
Want to learn more about Vistage and how joining a peer advisory group can help you be a better leader? You may have the opportunity to experience a Vistage Workshop first hand. Participate in an upcoming Vistage workshop in the Seattle area. Our next event: When: February 6th, 7th and 8thTime: 7:30 – 11:30amLocation: Seattle…
Read MoreHow do I build my brand on LinkedIn?
Decide Today. How you and your employees appear, connect, search and engage on LinkedIn is critical to increasing your sales pipeline and personalizing your marketing campaigns. Do you and your employees believe that? Does your sales force lead from a growth mindset? Are they aligned with your marketing folks? Have they honed the skills necessary…
Read MoreAre You Working Backwards from Customer Needs?
Remember when Amazon was just about books? These days I buy almost everything from Amazon except groceries. That may change now that Whole Foods is folding into Amazon. What happened? A valuable way for a leader to think: “A few years ago, Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos wrote a letter to shareholders explaining how being “obsessed over customers” would protect them…
Read MoreStrong Leaders Cultivate a Growth Mindset. See Visual
What I believe about my abilities and potential fuels my behavior and predicts my success as a person and a leader. I’m dedicated to staying in shape. I do CrossFit and Yoga. Why wouldn’t I also tune-up the internal dialogue that shapes every aspect of my life? That inside game starts with mindset and focus. Choosing a growth mindset “…creates a passion for learning rather than a hunger…
Read MoreRegister for Seattle’s Vistage Executive Summit – Tuesday, May 16th
Driving Dynamic Decisions Executives are in the business of making decisions. Difficult decisions. Big decisions.Decisions no one else can make. Many times, there are no clear-cut answers. But there ARE make-or-break consequences. This is the world you live in. Own it. Don’t just make a decision. Optimize it. What is the Vistage Executive Summit? Helmed by event speakers who…
Read MoreRapid Learning for Leaders: The True Cost of a Bad Hire
The point underscored by these two articles? Making bad hires is more costly than you think. What have you found? See what Barry Shamis thinks next week. A couple nuggets to chew on before then: ONE The True Cost Of A Bad Hire — It’s More Than You Think by Falon Fatemi, founder and CEO of Node: Recruiter Jörgen Sundberg puts…
Read MoreDoes a Vistage peer group make sense for you?
What’s Vistage? It all starts with a group. Put 12-14 high performing business executives in a room and the potential is enormous. A Chair ensures that every bit of that wisdom and experience is a applied in the meeting. An expert guides the meetings. I’m a facilitator, guide and coach. I help stimulate thinking, frame issues,…
Read MoreHiring in a New Economy – CEO Workshop – by Barry Shamis
To reserve your seat, please call or text me: 206.890.6858 or email: Seating is limited.
Read MoreWhat is Your Peer (and Leadership) Superpower?
No doubt you arrived at my blog after receiving a handwritten card. That note of gratitude promised an answer to this question: do you wonder what we treasure most about you? Before I answer, let’s deconstruct how you ended up in our peer “discovery” group. First, we stripped away title; we imagined you powerless. Second, we saw a…
Read MoreTruth, Alternative Facts, 1984, Liars, and Leadership
My unplanned thoughts after hearing about this news story: Alternative Facts: Trump Adviser Conway Stirs Mockery, Concern (click for humorous memes). “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”― George Orwell, 1984 A short story: Liar to Reporter: These are alternative facts. You mean lies? Yes, lies. I’ll be truthful—I’m hoping…
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