How to help Seattle hospitals

Calling on all Vistage members (and non-members) – Seattle hospitals need:

In order of priority:

  1. Surgical and N95 or comparable masks
  2. Face shields
  3. Plastic gowns

Of equal priority: Ventilators

Questions – who has the:

  1. Manufacturing expertise and capacity?
  2. Insight into the supply-chain?
  3. Ability to follow-through?

My contacts – I know Vistage members:

  1. With manufacturing “design and build” expertise.
  2. Who can do the software-automation necessary for the pivots.
  3. Who have manufacturing facilities and a willingness to pivot.
  4. Who can process and distribute orders.

Yes, this will take capital and resources. We’ll figure out how to handle with the local, state and federal government.

Example: one Vistage member has designed a germicidal UV-c light that kills viruses and bacteria. This product reduces hospital infections by 30%. He needs a part called, “Light Electronic Ballast.”


If you can help, please contact me:

Kevin McKeown
206-890-6858 mobile