A December workshop with Edgar Papke

December is fast approaching and bringing us, along with the holiday season, speaker Edgar Papke with his extended workshop on Innovation by Design.  Ask yourself the question: How do I design and live a life of success and fulfillment? For the past three decades, Edgar Papke has coached leaders to design & manifest lives of professional…

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Ignite Brilliance in Your Leadership: AmyK Vistage Workshop

Leadership isn’t about position, title or authority. The most effective leader seeks to influence. Influence requires communication. Communication requires a conversation.  Are you reaching your potential as a leader? Are you inspiring your people?My Vistage workshop on Tuesday, August 7th will help you unlock your brilliance – your natural superpowers and gifts.Our workshop leader is Amyk Hutchens – she’s…

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What is Your Peer (and Leadership) Superpower?

No doubt you arrived at my blog after receiving a handwritten card. That note of gratitude promised an answer to this question: do you wonder what we treasure most about you? Before I answer, let’s deconstruct how you ended up in our peer “discovery” group. First, we stripped away title; we imagined you powerless. Second, we saw a…

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Vistage Named Seventh among Training Magazine’s 2016 Top 125 Organizations

SAN DIEGO (Feb. 17, 2016) — Training Magazine, the leading business publication for learning and development professionals, has ranked Vistage Worldwide Inc. as the seventh leading organization among its Top 125 organizations for training and development. For Vistage, a global organization that assembles and facilitates private advisory boards for CEOs, senior executives and business owners, training and career…

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