In Business Development — Who Knows What You Know — Is a Big Deal

This guest post is authored by an exceptional business development coach focused on helping lawyers. He’s also a friend and my client for which I’m grateful.His name is Cordell Parvin and his 36 years as a practicing attorney sets him apart from other lawyer coaches as his teachings are based on firsthand experience.Today’s post helps you understand the art…

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The Strength of Weak Ties in Social Networking: Seek to be Worth Knowing

According to The Pew Research Center, most Americans “networks contain a range of social ties that consist of friends, family, coworkers, and other acquaintances. This includes a handful of very close social ties and a much larger number of weaker ties.” In fact, the average Internet user has 669 social ties. That’s important research for generating word-of-mouth referrals. So how does my personal network operate?…

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