“You Must Market Your Marketing”

Jay Baer talks about “breaking through the enormous amount of digital clutter.” Jay’s coaching in Why You Need to Market Your Marketing is spot on:

We often think about content and social media as different, but they are really two sides of the same coin. Content is fire, and social media is gasoline. It’s much easier (and more effective in many cases) to use social media to promote outstanding content, than it is to promote your company.

I love the ‘vision” contained in that quote. Here’s a couple ways to put Jay’s wisdom and experience to good use in the context of professional blogging.

First Comes The “Fire”

Blogs hold a unique place in your digital content strategy.

Blogging is less about the lightening and thunder and more about the steady rain of passion, authority, expertise, sincerity and authenticity — balanced with proper measure of transparency. And, “it’s this human dimension that distinguishes a blog from other forms of commercial writing.”

As Tom Albrighton says, “…blogs are special — they embody the human thoughts and feelings that give life to a business.”

So, writing “outstanding” blog content is about you being you. Don’t complicate things. Your blog is a showcase for your unique intellect. Let that dog (you) hunt.

Second Comes The “Gasoline”

Finishing that blog post marks the beginning of your content strategy — not the end. Your next step is to share that post. Start here:

  • Did you cite or showcase someone’s expertise in your post? Send a “thank you” to that person.
  • Did someone inspire you to write the post? Let your muse know.
  • Will your post make a difference in someone’s life? Get that post in their hands.

People like recognition and people like being helped. It’s just human nature. Saying thanks to the people who educated, inspired or motivated you is not just good form and but also builds your social currency. The act of sharing your post with these people (in whatever form) broadens your sphere of influence. The impact of recognizing and helping others is magical.


…[E]verything we do or say tends to ripple though our network, having an impact not just on our friends, but also on our friend’s friends and even our friend’s friend’s friends. What we rarely consider is that everything each of us thinks, feels, does or says can spread far beyond the people we know.  —Harvard-trained social scientists, Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler

Third — Don’t Extinguish the Flame 

Use social to promote your outstanding blog content. Do not use social to promote your company. No one wants our social media channels full of lame advertising. For your highlighter:

To promote your company write outstanding “YOU” blog content.

Jay’s Lesson

Social media and blog content are different tools that need to work together based a defined strategy. As Jay says, “to win the war of information you must market your marketing.” How are you sharing your blog posts? How are you rising above the digital noise? Share a comment below and let’s engage.

Thanks, Jay, for giving without asking. That’s what the social media ethos is all about.

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