Blog For Someone, Not About Something…

When I start a blog post, I do so with a specific person in mind.

I think about that one reader that I know will read my blog post. Thinking about and connecting with just one reader helps me build momentum as a writer. I often end up with a solid draft post. At that point, I make revisions and changes to inject a more universal appeal for a broader audience.

After the revisions, I’m fairly certain that the one reader who inspired me will be moved enough to share my post. And, that act of sharing by that one reader exposes me to networks of people beyond my immediate network. That helps me get my message out. That’s the cool thing about blogging. Creating reach for your message beyond your immediate circle.

That’s why the sentiment, “BLOG FOR SOMEONE” resonates for me. I also find that blogging with one reader in mind helps me keep my tone light and conversational. That’s what the blog genre is all about.

Maybe this will help you get that next post rolling in the right direction.

For a different perspective on “audience,” Neil Patel also has assembled a worthy infographic in his post about How to Build a Loyal Audience on the Web that I suggest you scan. Here’s a teaser:

  • Focus on quality, not quantity by tracking metrics that matter.
  • Email is the key to building an audience.
  • Partner and leverage with influencers who have an audience you want.
  • Always test.
  • Create high-quality and targeted content.
  • Invest in design.

Hey Kara, are you reading? You inspired me to write this post.

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