Still Denying the Use of Social Media? Consider…

The use of Social Media platforms is growing at an exponential rate in the US. In the last 7 seven years, the use of social media has grown 356 percent.

 “The Rise of Social Commerce” Infographic

The big picture:

  1. 2.27 billion people are online
  2. 91% of online adults use social media regularly
  3. US Internet users spend 3X longer on SOCIAL MEDIA and BLOGS than email

Here’s why you need a strong online persona:

  • 92% of online adults have more confidence in info sought online vs. other sources
  • 42% of consumers prefer finding the answers they need online on their own
  • 90% of mobile searches lead to action
  • 74% of consumers rely on social networks to guide purchase decisions
  • 55% share purchases on social networks

The skinny on business and social networks:

  1. 57% acquired customers via blogging
  2. 44% acquired customers via Twitter
  3. 27% of small businesses and 34% of medium businesses use social media for business

The social web “…is not an environment where you want to talk at people. You want to participate by sharing your expertise and your content.”  —John Gallant, Chief Content Officer, IDG Enterprise

Trends to watch: In 2015, brands will generate 50% of their web sales through Social Media and mobile platforms. $30 billion is projected. In 2016, more than half of the dollars spent in the US retail will be influenced by the Web. How does Social Media help me as as a professional? My steady blogging, tweeting and LinkedIn updating helps build my online identity. That positions me to drive a dialogue online. Over time, I hope my authenticity and sharing demonstrates passion and authority because that helps establish and build relationships which accelerates word-of-mouth referrals. What’s my Return-on-Investment? The right online activity results in stronger brand recognition. I measure that by the new clients signed. I also deepen relationships with existing clients. For example, leaders inside professional service firms ask me to speak to their colleagues about the importance of developing a strong online persona. That often leads to more work. In addition, social networking also helps me find and attract talent. Also, engaging thought leaders and influencers online helps inform and drive our product development and innovation here. And, listening to and observing our clients online provides us with insights for enhancing their experience. Be Resilient… Being skeptical of Social Media can be a good thing. I recommend you marry that skepticism with a willingness to change and adapt. The Internet is shifting how professionals get work. Relationships will always be key–just realize that more and more–relationships are nurtured and enhanced online. I’ve discussed different approaches to building online relationships here and here. I’ve also discussed the power of weak social ties here.  These three posts can help you develop your own social media strategy. What does all this portend for professional services? How are you getting social? Thanks to Kara McKenna for sharing the Infographic that inspired this post. In future posts, I’ll share why I believe that all business-to-business (B2B) customers can be reached via social media channels provided the right content strategy is developed and deployed.

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